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Cycling for Fitness Event as part of National Sports Day

Posted on: August 23, 2023 | Back | Print

Dear All,

Please note that due to the weather and traffic conditions, the time of the ‘Cycling for Fitness Event’ has been rescheduled.

2.The revised details for the “Cycling for Fitness” Event being organised by CGI, Guangzhou to commemorate the #NationalSportsDay, on the riverside in Guangzhou, are as follows:

Date: 26 August 2023 (Saturday)

Assembly Time: 7 am (*subject to weather conditions).

Venue: Guangzhou (*the exact location point will be shared with the registered participants by email/ wechat).

3.Please note that Registration is mandatory for all Members of Indian Diaspora interested in participating in the “Cycling for Fitness” Event. Please register at the QR Code mentioned the attached Flyer, by 24 August (1800 hrs).

4.Please note that it is mandatory to wear a White T-Shirt during the Cycling Event.

5. All the participants are requested to either bring their own bicycles or rent one from the available apps.

6.In order to commemorate India’s deep rooted tradition of sports and its campaign on ‘Fit India Mission’, as well as part of Mission LiFE, Consulate General of India, Guangzhou also encourages Members of Indian Diaspora to undertake any sports activities and send us a photo / video clip of less than 2 minutes via email at cul.guangzhou@mea.gov.in by 27 August 2023 (1800 hrs) along with the following details:

(I) Full Name

(ii) Name of the Sports

(iii) Your Email ID

(iv) Your WeChat contact number

(v) Date of Birth

(vi) City of Residence

(vii) Nationality


#Sports4Unity #MissionLiFE

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